Ahhh… something brought you here! You are seen!
Do you find yourself giving your ALL to all of the "things" and "people", only to feel depleted, unfulfilled, and even BEHIND, as YOU and YOUR things never seem to make the priority list? Are you possibly unsure of what “your things” would be if you were given 10 extra hours per day to pursue them? Perhaps, you actually do have some of what YOU want on YOUR priority list, but this makes you feel guilty and selfish?
If you agree with any of the above, odds are you've had moments of sadness, anxiety, exhaustion, loneliness, feeling stuck, heartbreak, confusion, resentment and even struggling relationships.
Yes, it’s all connected!
The Philosophy
What Does it Mean to be Self-Centered?
Being the center of your world, evidenced by a commitment to use one’s own resources (time, money, energy, thoughts, spirituality, etc.) to support the well-being of oneself before pouring into to others.
Locate Self- identify your place within that which is bigger and connects all
Know Self - listen to self to stay well acquainted with self over time
Accept Self - validate and be nonjudgmental about what we know of self
Prioritize Self - advocate for the well-being and safety of oneself whenever possible
Nourish Self - rely on self for permission to invest in whatever aids self-growth
Contain Self - honor and support self-centering of others by refusing to be selfish
De-Center Self - promote self-centering of others by empowering them to be responsible for their self
If the above is hard for you to embrace for yourself (likely, if you are still reading), I challenge you to envision everyone around you being self-centered with you … Better?
Self-Centered - being the center of YOUR world.
Selfish - expecting to be the center of someone else’s world!
Everyone centering in self is good for everyone!